Dear supporters, friends, and family,
Thank you for taking the time to look through this booklet that I have put together to show some of the work that I’ve done in the last year and a half, since changing careers to engage my interests in developing artwork of things that I find beautiful and inspiring. It has taken some time to come to grips with a new career path (not helped by the ongoing recovery from being hit by a car in May 2007), but the range of possibilities that awaits me is very exciting. In these last 18 months, I have started to explore a few themes and I am looking forward to expanding those with more and larger works.
I have been inspired by beautiful things. Some of these are works of nature - fossils, skeletons, and living animals. Others display our potential to create things of great craftsmanship and beauty - cathedrals, castles, lamps. Drawing all these objects helps me to see them in a different way, and each of them generates currents of dreams, thoughts and reflections.
I find drawing fossils particularly thought provoking. One of the great challenges that we face is the rapid change in climate that we are causing. We are and will continue to cause the extinction of many organisms, with the potential to eliminate ourselves in the process. I am hopeful that we will be provoked into serious action and that our intellect will be enough to dodge this danger. But other great and fearsome animals that ruled the earth in the past went extinct – albeit not through their own efforts. Their skeletons are a good reminder to me that apparently powerful things can go extinct.
I’ve done three drawings of dinosaurs in the past year –
I love the detail and craftsmanship in old carvings and stonework.
There is also great craftsmanship in lighthouses; they are an impressive combination of strength, utility, and elegance.
I am also (obviously) intrigued by animals. Whether it is the beauty of the Golden Lion Tamarin
As I write this, I realize that one theme that I have been exploring with my work is the combination of strength with gracefulness.
If you are interested in following my work as it progresses (or if you were interested in buying a piece, but it has already sold), I post new drawings online at: I have also recently started documenting some of my thoughts behind the artwork at: For anyone who is interested, subscribing to the blog with a newsfeed aggregator will provide a convenient way to automatically see new work that I have finished.
Many thanks for supporting me in this endeavor -- whether that support has been moral, word of mouth, or financial, it is all greatly appreciated. Your financial support has been crucial to allow me to continue creating works that inspire me and, I hope, you. On the last pages of this booklet, there is a listing of the artwork that is still available for sale, along with the first set of reproductions that I have had made – greeting cards and posters. If you are interested in buying any of these items, you can either write back to me at my mailing address on the front of this letter, by email, call me on the phone, or place an order through my website:
If you like the work that you see here, but have something specific in mind that you don’t see represented, I also do commissioned work and would be happy to talk more.
Thank you for reading and have a great holiday season,